The 12th Education and Training in Optics and Photonics Conference, ETOP’2013 is being jointly organized by Portugal’ and Tunisia’ Territorial Committees of ICO and will be held at Faculty of Science of the University of Porto in Porto, Portugal on July 23 to 26, 2013.

ETOP’ 2013 is collocated and will run in parallel and in an articulated way with RIAO/OPTILAS’2013, the VIII Iberoamerican Optics Meeting and XI Latinamerican Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Applications ( Authors are invited to submit works also to RIAO/OPTILAS2013 (

ETOP is a reference biennial conference that brings together the international community of optics and photonics educators, the academia and the industry, from all around the world to share experiences and information about learning and teaching optics and photonics at all levels. The teaching of optics and photonics, critical fields at the core of today's world-wide scientific and technological infrastructure, must continually be upgraded and renewed in order to meet the growing demands of research, science and industry for the sake of the sustainable development of our world and humankind.

It is the goal of this international conference to bring together leading optics and photonics scientists technicians and educators from all levels and orientations to share experiences and knowledge to discuss, demonstrate and learn about new developments and approaches to teaching in these fields. Through presentations, panel discussions, workshops and exhibits, it is the intent of this conference to inform professors, students, teachers and professional trainers on how to promote the learning of optics and photonics for the future.

The participation of school teachers will be highly appreciated (special low fees are available)


Contributions in all relevant fields will be accepted:

Optics and Photonics Curricula, Advances in Optics and Photonics Teaching and Training, Teaching Optics for Other Disciplines. Inter- and Multidisciplinary Applications, Optics and Photonics Training for the Real World, Academia/Industry Interaction, Education in Optics and Photonics for Industry, Entrepreneurship, Outreach, Critical Issues Facing Optics Education, New Trends and Methods in Optical Education, New Pedagogical Methods, Tools and Models, Computers Software and Multimedia in Optics Education, Optics Education at Different Levels: High School to Postgraduate, Optics in Primary Education, Kinder garden Optics, Informal and Non-formal Education, Laboratories for Optics Education, Optics Education- International Perspectives, Associate and Technician Education in Optics, Teacher Training, Demonstrations in Optics, Science Fairs, Hands-on Activities, Optics for All Ages, Optics and Photonics Skills in the Global Workplace, Optics for Sustainable Development.



Abstract should be emailed to (cc: by March 15 (24:00 GMT), 2013 (late submissions may eventually be considered). The manuscripts of all accepted contributions will be published online at (were all proceedings of past ETOP conferences are freely available).

English is the official language of the conference.


Important dates and deadlines:

Abstracts deadline:

March 15, 2013 at 24:00 GMT (late submissions may eventually be considered).


Papers accepted:

March 29, 2013


Program  issued:

June 29, 2013


Early registration deadline (extended final):

May 17, 2013

                                                       Request of fee reduction or further support: April 26, 2013


Manuscript due date:

June 15, 2013


Proceedings issued:

July 23, 2013


Conference Chairs:


                                       Manuel Filipe P. C. Martins Costa (University of Minho, Portugal)

                                       Mourad Zghal (University of Carthage, Tunisia)



Apply to Host a Future ETOP Conference

ETOP conferences takes place every two years and it is the aim of the sponsors to make this critical information equally available to both developed and developing countries. In order to ensure world-wide participation, the sponsors (ICO, LEOS, SPIE and OSA) welcome and encourage their chapters, affiliated bureaus, sections and other interested organizations to apply to host future ETOP conferences. To download the ETOP application form: Application to Host ETOP