Tuesday       Wednesday      Thrusday       Friday   General Session’ scheme  Session Chairs   Special Sessions   Abstract’ booklet 


























































Sessions’ detailed program:   Tuesday         Wednesday      Thrusday       Friday    Session Chairs   Special Sessions   Abstract’ booklet


Short course: Dihedral Fourier Analysis, Marlos Viana, University of Illinois at Chicago Eye Center Chicago, Illinois, USA,Tuesday 14:45-16:30             


Workshop 1: On Problem Based Learning (PBL) Submarine Lighting: A PBL Challenge in Fiber Optics, Judith Donnelly, Tuesday 17:00-19:00             

Workshop 2:  Photonics Explorer workshop, Amrita Prasad, Wednesday 9:00-10:30                            

Workshop 3:  Workshop on teaching with the galileoscope, Stephen M. Pompea, Thrusday 9:00-10:30...12:45 (due to the fact that a galileoscope will be offered to each participant, the number of participants is limited to 24. Preference given to school teachers)             

Workshop 4:  Student Activity: Verification on Malus's Law of Polarization at low cost, Shahrul Kadri, Thrusday 17:00-19:00             

Workshop 5: ALOP workshop, Souad Lahmar and Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan, Thrusday 9:00-12:45             


To register to the short course and the workshops please email Prof. Paulo Simeão (psimeao@fc.up.pt) (first come basis)

The participation of school teachers will be highly appreciated (special low fees are available)

Informal interaction among  participants is considered of utmost importance