Event planned for the 16th of May 2019 at INL
16 may 2019 | INL Conference Room

Free Registration here:
Information about the program:
This year the INL, supported by the Portuguese Society for Optics and Photonics, is organizing the International Day of Light event.
Target group: Students from Natural Sciences & Engineering, Design & Arts, Medical & Life Sciences, Business & Management etc. that are interested in traineeship or master research internship opportunities. We would like to let you know more about the research internship opportunities at INL and want to celebrate with you the "International Day of Light".
The Day of Light is celebrated since the official Year of Light in 2015 promoted by the United Nations.
Other and our "Day of Light” celebrations across the globe can be found here:
Dear students from all disciplines,
ready to be INSPIRED about the possibilities of LIGHT in research, technology and society?
Join us for this year's UNESCO triggered celebrations of the “International Day of Light” at INL in Braga, Portugal!
Day of Light Program:
15:45 Welcome to INL
16:00 - 17:00 Inspirational short talks
- Light and Solar Energy
- Light and Medical devices
- Light and Biology
- Light for Food
- Quantum Light from Diamond
17:00 - 18:00 INL guided laboratory tour
18:00 - 18:30 Networking & Quizz, Announcement of Quizz winner and Closing remarks