The Portuguese Society of Optics and Photonics (SPOF, Sociedade Portuguesa para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Óptica e Fotónica,, Rua 1º de Maio, 2, 2º, 4730-734 Vila Verde, Portugal) presented on May 5, 2012, the application for ICO membership in the category "Territorial Committee Members".

The application was unanimously accepted by the General Assembly of ICO in August 2011 in Puebla, Mexico. The ICO’ Territorial Committee member status corresponds to 1 unit shares.
The Portuguese Territorial Committee for Optics is governed by a Board elected by the members and consisting of:
- one President, who will receive all correspondence and be in charge of organizing any local activity of the Committee and of organizing the representation of the Committee in the ICO General Meeting
- one Vice-President, who will replace the president if needed and may be appointed to take care of specific issues
- one Treasurer.
For a first term, starting on May 5, 2011, the Board is composed as follows:
- Manuel Filipe P. C. Martins Costa, President
- Rogério Nogueira, Vice-president
- Orlando Frazão, Treasurer
The term of office is three years; membership in the board is renewable up to a maximum duration of nine years.
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SPOF, Sociedade Portuguesa para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Óptica e Fotónica,, Rua 1º de Maio, 2, 2º, 4730-734 Vila Verde, Portugal
The PortugueseTerritorial Committee for Optics comply with the ICO Statutes and with the rules concerning the free circulation of scientists established by the International Council of Science, ICSU (www/