July 18-19 2016 | Aveiro, Portugal, Instituto de Telecomunicações
Deadline for Free Registration: June, 30
Lunch and coffee break are free!

The conference OptoFusion was planned to celebrate the 100 years of the Optical Society of America (OSA) and at the same time to join academy and industry togheter, in Aveiro, Portugal.
The conference will be focused on the research in the field of optics, both in academy and industry and will try to find where they merge.
With a pannel of distinguished lecturers from academy and industry, the conference aims to bring expertise and leadersh
For more details see http://ua.osahost.org/
The participation in the conference is free but with a mandatory registration to: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
The organizing committe of the conference is the University of Aveiro OSA Student Chapter and the University of Aveiro EPS Young Minds Section.
- Álvaro Almeida
- André Albuquerque
- Gil Fernandes
- Sofia Amado
- Telmo Almeida
- Vanessa Duarte
Invited Speakers:
- Eric Van Stryland
- Rogério Nogueira
- António Teixeira
- Miguel Melo
- Maria Rute André
- Orlando Frazão
Biographies of speakers: